25 Ashby Road EastA40 Risinghurst TurnAbbey DriveAbbeylea DriveAbbotts RoadAbercromby PlaceAbernethy StreetAccornlee FarmAccrington AcademyAccrington RoadAcocks Green Village (Stop Aj)AcornAcre MeadowActon Lane Harlesden (Stop R)Adamson StreetAddison StreetAdelaide Grove (Stop Lb)Adelaide Grove (Stop Lh)Adelaide StreetAdelaide TerraceAinsworth Hall RoadAinsworth RoadAinsworth StreetAireburn AvenueAiredale Avenue Rycroft AveAiredale Avenue Woodside ViewAiredale Hospital Main EntranceAiredale Hospital (Stop A)Airedale Hospital (Stop B)Airedale Hospital (Stop C)Airlie PlaceAirport HotelAirport (Stop C)Alauna AvenueAlbany WayAlbany Way - Windlass LaneAlbert RoadAlbert StreetAlbion StreetAlcester AcademyAlcester Academy Bus ParkAlcester Members ClubAlder GroveAldershaw RdAldford GroveAldred StreetAlexander AvenueAlexandra HospitalAlice StreetAlkincoats RoadAllen StreetAllerton DriveAlliance StreetAlloe Field ViewAll Saints ChurchAlma RoadAlma StreetAlma TerraceAlpha StreetAlspath LaneAmbrose RiseAmbulance StationAmersham RoadAmimal CentreAndrew AvenueAndrew RoadAngel Of The NorthAnglesey AvenueAnimal CentreAnnesley GroveArbeadie HouseArbor CourtArden CottageArden RoadArgyle StreetArley HouseArrival Stand (Stand 0)Arrowhill RoadAsdaAsda (Stand Q)Ashby RoadAshdown CloseAshfield AvenueAshfield CourtAshgrove RoadAshleaAshleigh StreetAshley GroveAshley RoadAshley TerraceAshmore Road (Stop S)Ash StreetAshurst CourtAshworth RoadAstoria DriveAthol RoadAuchendryne SquareAudley CourtAudley HouseAvalon CourtAvenue StreetAvondale StreetAxwell View-East Park GardensAxwell View-Parkside AvenueAxwell View-Sports GroundBack LaneBack Lane-SchoolBack Lane-Twizell AvenueBacup Old RoadBacup RoadBaden TerraceBae South EntranceBaildon BridgeBailiff Br FieldsBailiff BridgeBailiff Bridge FieldsBailiff Bridge (Stop C)Baillieswells RoadBairds BraeBallater StreetBalmoral Rd EndBalmoral RoadBalnault FarmBamford CrescentBanchory Primary SchoolBank BuildingsBank FoldBankfootBankhead DriveBankhead LoanBankhead MedwayBank LaneBank StreetBannerbrook ParkBarclay HillsBarden LaneBarewise BridgeBar House LaneBarlby Road (Stop M)Barlby Road (Stop N)Barley MowBarmoor Lane-Main RoadBarmoor Lane-St Mary'S TerraceBarnflatt CloseBarnoldswick RoadBarnsideBarracks Rail StationBarretts Green Road (Stop U)Barretts Green Road (Stop W)Barrhill LaneBarton Grange HotelBarton RoadBarwoodBass LaneBay Horse InnBeach WalkBeauchamp RoadBeaufort StreetBeckenham CourtBeech AvenueBeechcliffe SchoolBeechen Grove (Stop M)Beech StreetBeech Tree AvenueBeech Tree CloseBeechwood Close Keighley RdBeechwood Medical CentreBeechwood Rd Kingdom HallBeechwood Rd Public LibraryBeechwood RoadBeechwood Road Beechwood DrBeijing RestaurantBelgrave RoadBell LaneBells LaneBellwood RoadBelmont GroveBen LaneBent LaneBentley AvenueBentley StreetBerkeley CrescentBesses O'Th' Barn Metrolink (Stop H)Bethesda RowBevington CloseBieldside Station RoadBillinge End RoadBilling RdBillington GardensBinghill RoadBingley Main Street ABingley Rail Station EBirkenhills DriveBirksdale WayBishops RoadBlack BullBlackburn CollegeBlack DogBlacker StreetBlackford BridgeBlackstone AvenueBlack Swan PhBlackthorn WayBlackwood RoundaboutBlagrave Street (Stop Eo)Blakey StreetBlantyre GardensBlaydon Bank-Alice StreetBlaydon Bank-Croftdale RoadBlaydon Bank-Lawrence CourtBlaydon Bus StationBlaydon West Primary SchoolBleach GreenBlenheim Crescent (Stop Pr)Blenheim RoadBlessed Trinity CollBlethyn StreetBloemfontein Road (Stop Lf)Blue House Lane-Albany WayBlythsford RdBoardmans HillBoars HeadBolling Road Manley RdBolling Road Marlborough GroveBolling Road SouthwayBolling Road Wheatley LnBolton AvenueBolton Golf ClubBolton RoadBolton StreetBon Croft GardensBond StreetBooth StreetBoot LaneBoran CourtBorough AvenueBoswall DriveBoundaryBoundary Mill EntranceBournehall RoadBowling AlleyBowling Old LaneBracewell StreetBrackleys WayBradford Grammar SchoolBradford Rd Menston Old LaneBradford Rd Sandholme DriveBradford Rd Station RoadBradford Road Hare & Hounds PhBradford Road SouthwayBradford Royal Infirmary EBradford Royal Infirmary (Stop C)Bradford Royal Infirmary (Stop D)Bradget HeyBradley DriveBradley Fold RoadBradney GreenBradshaw ChurchBradshaw Lane Upper Fold FarmBradshaw StreetBradshaw Street EastBraeside CottagesBramble BankBrampton AveBranch RoadBrandon TerraceBreadalbane Community CampusBrearleyBredero DriveBretby LaneBriarfield RoadBridge EndBridge InnBridge Of GairnBridge StreetBridge Street CavershamBridge View RoadBridgewater CloseBridlewayBrier CrescentBrighouse Bus Stn ABrighouse & Denholme Road Fleet LnBrighouse & Denholme Road Old Guy RdBrighouse High SchoolBrighouse Road Golf ClubBrighouse Road RidgewayBrighouse Road SandbedsBrighton PlaceBristol StreetBrithBritish LegionBroadlands CloseBroad LaneBroad Oak TurnBroadway AvenueBronte AvenueBrookes University (Stop B5)Brookside RoadBrook StreetBrookwater CloseBrowhead RoadBrownhill AvenueBrownhill RoadBrownhill ShopsBrownside BridgeBrowns RoadBrunswick StreetBuckingham DriveBukhara RestaurantBull InnBull & LionBullockstone RoadBulls HeadBuncer LaneBurdock WayBurdon RoadBurdon Road-Civic CentreBurley Main StreetBurley Road Brooklands WalkBurley Road Chevin AveBurley Road Halstead DrBurnbraeBurndale PlaceBurnham MeadowBurnley CollegeBurnley General HospitalBurnley LaneBurnley Rd AcademyBurnley RoadBurnley Road (Stop 3)Burnley Road (Stop 4)Burnside MillBurns RoadBurnt Acres LaneBurrell AvenueBurton RoadBurton Road 225Burwell CloseBury InterchangeBury Market (Stop Dd)Bus EmbaymentBushey Arches (Stop F)Bushey Arches (Stop G)Busheyfields RoadBushey Railway Station East (Stop B)Business CentreBusiness ParkBusiness VillageBus StationBus Station ArriveBus Station (Stand 0)Bus Station (Stand 1)Bus Station Stand 1Bus Station (Stand 10)Bus Station (Stand 2)Bus Station Stand 2Bus Station (Stand 3)Bus Station Stand 3Bus Station (Stand 35)Bus Station (Stand 4)Bus Station (Stand 5)Bus Station (Stand 6)Bus Station (Stand 7)Bus Station (Stand 8)Bus Station (Stand 9)Bus Station (Stand A)Bus Station Stand A (Stand A)Bus Station (Stand C)Bus Station Stand H (Stand H)Bus Station (Stop 1)Bus Station (Stop 4)Buttermere DriveButtermere RoadButterworth StreetBuxton LaneByron Road Community CentreByron StreetCaernarvon AveCairn RoadCaithness CloseCaiystane ViewCalcott StreetCalder AvenueCalder CrescentCalder DriveCalder High SchoolCalder PlaceCaledonia StreetCallis BridgeCambridge Drive Turn RoundCambridge RoadCambridge WayCambus O'May Forest Walk CentreCampbell StreetCanal BridgeCannon Park CentreCanteen MillCanterbury FieldsCanute StreetCaravan ParkCardigan AvenueCardowan DriveCarlton CourtCarlton RoadCarr Bottom RoadCarr HallCarr House LaneCastercliff Primary SchoolCasterton AvenueCastle Car ParkCastle Gate (Stand K)Castle Hill SchoolCastlerigg DriveCastle RoadCastletown WayCastletown Way-Riverbank RoadCastletown Way-SainsburysCastle View TerraceCateaton StreetCathedral NCathedral SCatherine SlackCatholic ClubCausewayCausey FootCaversham LaundryCaversham Road Fire StationCearl CourtCecilia RoadCedar FoldCemeteryCentral DriveCentral Middlesex Hospital (Stop B)Central Middlesex Hospital (Stop C)Centre Vale ParkChalmers StreetChapelfields SchoolChapel StreetCharlotte StreetCharter Street (Stop E)Chatburn Park DriveCheapside LCheapside MCheapside N9Cherryfield PsChesterfield ArmsChesterton Road (Stop C)Chesterton Road (Stop D)Chevin AvenueCheviot AvenueChew Moor LaneChiltern AvenueChippenham Road /Shirland Road (Stop Mm)Chippenham Road /Shirland Road (Stop Mr)Chislehurst GroveChorlton Street Coach Station (Stop Ez)Christ Church StreetChruch StreetChurchChurch BankChurch DriveChurchill WayChurch LaneChurch MeadowChurch RoadChurch SquareChurch StreetChurch Street CemeteryChurch Street (Stand J)Church ViewCivic WayClaremont AvenueClarence RoadClarence StreetClarendon Road (Stop S)Clarendon StreetClavering Road-Whickham BankClaydon DriveClaymills CloseClaypool RoadCliffe CottageClifford RoadClifton Farm ShopsClifton RoadClifton StreetClitheroe Golf ClubClitheroe JunctionCliviger Fish PondClock House CourtClough LaneClough RoadClovenstone RoadCoach And HorsesCoaching HouseCoal Clough BridgeCoates AvenueCockit HatCog LaneCoilacriech InnColbran StreetColeridge AvenueColesbourne RdColinton Mains LoanColinton Mains RoadColinton VillageCollegeColne LaneCommercial StreetCommon RoadCommunity CentreComo AvenueComrie CrescentConcord Bus StationConnaught AvenueConstable AvenueConstitutional ClubContlaw BraeContlaw RoadCook StreetCo-OpCopeland DriveCoppice SideCornell GroveCorner BrookCornholmeCornholme SchoolCoronation RoadCoronation StreetCorsee RoadCote HillCottagesCottingley BarCottingley Moor Rd Lee LaneCottingley Moor Road Bradford Old RdCottingley Moor Road Florida RdCottingley Moor Road Lysander WyCottingley New Road Bradford Old RdCottingley New Road Bradford RdCottingley New Road Hollings StCottingley Rd SchoolCottingley Road Wilsden RdCotton RowCotton StreetCoughton CourtCountances WayCounty BoundaryCounty Primary SchoolCoutances WayCoverdale RdCoverdale WayCovert PlaceCowdals RoadCowley CrescentCrabbs CrossCrabbs Cross Post OfficeCrabtree StreetCraigendarroch CircleCraiglockhart CampusCraiglockhart ParkCraiglockhart RoadCraiglockhart Sports CentreCraigroyston Community High SchoolCraigroyston Health CentreCraigview RoadCranford RoadCrankshaw StreetCrathes CastleCraven CollegeCraven HeiferCravens BrowCraven StCraven StreetCrawcrook Lane-Chester GardensCrawcrook Lane-Stannerford RoadCrawford StreetCrawshaw HallCressell ParkCreswick AvenueCrewe TollCricket ClubCricket GroundCroftdale RoadCroft LaneCroft StreetCroft Street SchoolsCrooks LaneCrosshills Social ClubCross Lee RoadCrossroadsCross Stone RoadCross StreetCroston StreetCrow NestCrown HotelCrown InnCrow Wood AvenueCrow Wood RoadCroy StationCulham CloseCults AvenueCulvertCunliffe RoadCushy Cow LaneCuthbert StreetCuttle BrookCygnet HospitalDaimler AvenueDalmeny RdDalmunzie RoadDalton AvenueDalton WayDarklands RoadDarlington CloseDarroch WoodDarwen Vale SchoolDaylesford Infant SchoolDeane Church LaneDeane Golf ClubDean FarmDean LaneDean StreetDeanwood AvenueDeerstone AvenueDeerstone RoadDeeside DriveDee StreetDen Of CultsDenton BridgeDerwent AvenueDerwent RoadDespard RdDevon AvenueDevon DriveDevonshire RoadDevon StreetDewhirst RoadDisraeli StreetDoffcocker LaneDog And Gun InnDog & Gun PhDonafuilDonisthorpe StreetDorset StreetDouglas AvenueDouglas DriveDouglas RoadDovecote CloseDovedale DriveDover LaneDrum Castle Road EndDrummond HouseDrylaw Police StationDuckworth ArmsDuerden StreetDugdale RoadDuke Of York
Dull Road EndDumbreck TerraceDunkenhalgh WayDunmail AvenueDurham RoadDurham Road-DenefordDurham Road-Harlow GreenDursley CloseDyneley AvenueDysons CloseEanam Old RoadEanam WharfEarby RoadEast Acton Lane / Old Oak Road (Stop J)East Acton Stn / Erconwald St (Stop B)East AvenueEastburn BridgeEastbury DriveEast BylandEaster Anguston Rd EndEastern Avenue-EarlswayEastern Avenue-KingswayEast Fettes AvenueEast Park RoadEast StreetEastwoodEastwood HallEden ParkEdinburgh CollegeEdmund StreetEdward StreetElbow Wood DriveEldercot RoadElder LeaEldwick StreetElgin Avenue / Chippenham Road (Stop Mp)Elgin Avenue / Harrow Road (Stop E)Elgin Crescent (Stop Pf)Elizabeth HouseElker LaneEllerslie Road (Stop Lt)Elliot RoadEllison StreetEllonby RiseElm CloseElmore TerraceElmsley StreetEmbsay Road JunctionEmmanuel CollegeEmm Lane Wilmer RdEmmott ArmsEndor CrescentEnsign CloseEshton HouseEttington RoadEuro GaragesEvery StreetEvesham StreetEvolution ParkEwood Working Mens ClubExchange Road (Stop K)Fairholme RdFairholme RoadFairless AvenueFairlie DriveFairlight Avenue (Stop He)Fairlight Avenue (Stop Hf)Fairmile AvenueFairmilehead CrossroadsFairwaysFalling RoydFanshawe RdFarcroft AveFarleyerFarmhouse Road EndFarm ShopFarnley CourtFarrer StreetFawcett StreetFecitt BrowFeildens ArmsFence Gate InnFennyfold TerraceFenwick StreetFerncliffe DriveFerncliffe Road (Stop H)Ferndale GroveFernhurstFernlea AvenueFerry Road DriveFettes RowFieldhead DriveFifth Avenue / Queen'S Park Library (Stop Y)Fifth Avenue Queen'S Park (Stop Z)Finkil StreetFinnington LaneFirrhill High SchoolFir RoadFirst AvenueFir Trees LaneFisher More RchsFive AcreFive Elms FarmFlorence StreetForbesfield LaneForbury Road (Stop El)Foresters ArmsForesters CottageForest FoldForest Hill TurnForest Holme CloseForfar StreetForgeForge CloseForrester High SchoolForster Square JForster Square KFountains AvenueFour Alls InnFour Lane EndsFoxfieldsFoxglove AvenueFoxhill DriveFoxholes RoadFox Hollies Leisure CentreFoxstones LaneFrancis StreetFrenchwood AvenueFriar Street (Stop Fj)Friar Street (Stop Fp)Friday LaneFrieldhurst RoadFriendlyFrogston AvenueFront Street- Dockendale LaneFront Street - Rectory LaneFront Street - School StreetGainsborough AvenueGalloway Road (Stop Lj)Gannow TopGarden CentreGarden RoadGardens RoadGarden StreetGarrell Vale Community CentreGarsmouth WayGarston Railway Station (Stop A)Garston Railway Station (Stop B)Gaskell StreetGathurst Golf ClubGathurst Hall FarmGathurst Rail StationGathurst Rail Station (Stop A)George InnGeorge StreetGhyll Golf ClubGhyll LaneGhyll Wood DriveGibb StreetGilbertstone AveGilbrook WayGill And Hob ClubGilmerton Dykes AvenueGilmerton Dykes CrescentGirls High SchoolGladstone RoadGladstone StreetGladstone TerraceGlebe StreetGlendower AvenueGlen DriveGleneagles CourtGlenlockhart ValleyGlenroy AvenueGlen View RoadGloucester RoadGogarburn A8Gogar RoundaboutGogarstone RoadGoldenacre TerraceGolden Days Garden CentreGoldthorn CloseGolf RoadGollinrodGooch StreetGoodshaw Avenue NorthGoodshaw Fold RoadGoodshaw LaneGoodwin AvenueGordon CrescentGordon LennoxGordon StreetGordon TerraceGorse LaneGorsey LaneGracemount Leisure CentreGrammar SchoolGrange ParkGrange Park DriveGrange RoadGranny Hall LaneGranny HillGranville RoadGranville StreetGrassington RoadGraystone RoadGray StreetGreat Cheetham Street East (Stop B)Great Cheetham Street West (Stop A)Great King StreetGreat Western Road / Elgin Ave (Stop D)Greenacre CloseGreenacre StreetGreenbank FarmGreenbank RoadGreenhill LaunderetteGreenhill RoadGreenhill StreetGreen LaneGreen Lane Roper LnGreen Ln Roper LaneGreen Ln Taylor LaneGreen Road RoundaboutGreen SpringsGreen SykeGrenfell GardensGriffin CloseGriffin HeadGrimshaw Street (Stand H)Grisedale DriveGrove RdGuide BeehiveGunby FarmGunby HillGuy StreetGyle Centre (Stop Kf)Gyle RoundaboutGyle SquareHailesland PlaceHalfway GarageHalfway HouseHalifax Bus Station BHalifax Bus Station DHalifax Bus Station EntranceHalifax Bus Station HHalifax RoadHallam RoadHall LaneHall StreetHallwell StreetHameldon ApproachHameldon Community CollegeHameldon HouseHamel StreetHamer AvenueHamilton RoadHammerfield AvenueHammerton StreetHanover CourtHanover SquareHanover Street (Stop Gk)Hapton InnHarbourHarbour StreetHarcourt RoadHare And HoundsHareholme LaneHarestone Road EndHarewood RoadHargate RoadHargher StreetHargreaves ArmsHargreaves StreetHargrove AvenueHarlesden Jubilee Clock (Stop W)Harlesden Station (Stop Ha)Harlesden Station (Stop Hb)Harper Bower FarmHarpers LaneHarrison DriveHarrison StreetHarrowby RoadHartley HomesHartshill RdHaslingden DriveHastings RoadHastings WayHatfield RoadHathaway Green LaneHaugh AvenueHaverholt CloseHaweswater RoadHawkcliffe FarmHawkshaw StreetHaworth AvenueHaworth Rd Brantwood DriveHaworth Rd Lynfield DriveHaworth Rd Sowden RoadHaworth Rd Stoney Bridge AvenueHaworth Rd Thorn DriveHaworth Road Bay Of BiscayHaworth Road Chellow Heights FarmHaworth Road Heather GroveHaworth Road ParkHaworth Road Stoney Ridge AveHawthorn AvenueHawthorn BankHawthorne AvenueHawthorn GroveHaydock StreetHayhurst RoadHayhurst StreetHaywood Caravan ParkHaywood RoadHazelback SchoolHazelbeck SchoolHazel Road-Elm RoadHazel Road-Linden RoadHazel StreetHazelwood RoadHeadington School (Stop B9)Headington Shops (Stop Hs2)Headless CrossHeald LaneHealey GrangeHealey ViewHealth CentreHeath RowHeaton Park Metrolink (Stop D)Heaton RoadHeaton SchoolHeatons GroveHebden Bridge Market StHebden Bridge New RdHebden Bridge StnHebrew RoadHeckenhurst AvenueHeddon View-TynebankHeightsideHemlock Road East Acton (Stop W)Hendon RoadHenley CrescentHenry StreetHereford RoadHerkomer AvenueHermitage RdHerne DriveHertford-ChowdeneHertford - Dartmouth AveHertford-WoodfordHexham Old Road-CemeteryHexham Old Road-Clifton CloseHexham Old Road-Holly Bush VillasHexham RoadHeycrofts ViewHeys LaneHeywood Road (Stop D)Higham RoadHigher CausewayHigher EanamHigher Firs DriveHigher Gate RoadHigher Park FarmHigher Standen DriveHigher Walton RoadHighfield AvenueHighfield Farm Skipton RoadHighfield HallHighfield RoadHighgate FarmHighgate Heaton RoadHighgate Quarry StreetHigh Level Road (Stop C)High Level Road (Stop D)Highmoor ParkHigh Park Drive Co-OpHigh Royds DriveHigh Street (Stop L2)Highwood AveHilary Road (Stop U)Hill Crest AvenueHillcrest Rd Hillcrest DriveHillcrest Road Hillcrest AveHill Crest ViewHillhead RoadHillingdon Road NorthHill Of BanchoryHill Of Banchory SchoolHills MeadowHill StreetHill Top CottagesHindburn CloseHirst StreetHobart StreetHobs MeadowHoghton Lane GarageHolburn Junction (Stop A2)Holburn Junction (Stop A7)Holden StreetHoldsworth Rd Brow LaneHoldsworth Rd Laurel Bank CloseHoldsworth Rd Riley LaneHoldsworth RoadHole In The Wall EstateHolgate SchoolHolland Park (Stop Ha)Holland Park (Stop Hb)Holland Park (Stop Hl)Hollies RoadHollin LaneHollins Hill FarmHollins Hill Station RoadHollins Hill Tong ParkHollin WayHolly AvenueHollybushHolly Leaf CottageHolly StreetHolmeside (Stand 6)Holmes LaneHolt StreetHolyoake DriveHoly SoulsHome Street (Stop 1)Homewood RoadHoney Holme LaneHope Hill View Airedale AvenueHope MillHopepark DriveHopkinson StreetHorncliffe HouseHorsebridgeHorsfield StreetHospitalHowe ParkHufling LaneHullet CloseHull StreetHunters ForstalHunter'S TrystHuntley LaneHunt TerraceHyatt CrescentHyron Hall RdIan Mikardo WayIghtenhill Park LaneIlkley Rd Church StreetIllingworth Fire StationIllingworth Road ShopsImperial CourtInchley PlaceIndustrial EstateIngestre RdInglehurst RoadIngliston Park & RideInkerman StreetInterchange (Stand 1)Interchange (Stand 10)Interchange (Stand 2)Interchange (Stand 3)Interchange (Stand 4)Interchange (Stand 5)Interchange (Stand 6)Interchange (Stand 7)Interchange (Stand 8)Interchange (Stand D)Interchange (Stand F)Interchange (Stand J)Interchange (Stand M)International SchoolInvercauld BridgeInvercauld RoadInver HotelIrene StreetIsabella StreetIsland CloseIvor RoadIvy RoadJacobsonsJames SquareJames StreetJarvis Street (Stop F)Jepps LaneJob'S LaneJohn StreetJubilee AvenueJubilee StreetJudge Walmesley HotelJumps RoadJunction Road WestKaimes CrossroadsKeighley Bus Station EntranceKeighley Rd Keighley CloseKeighley Rd Natty LaneKeighley Road RoundaboutKeighley RufcKeithmuir GardensKelvin TerraceKelvin ViewKemp RoadKenilworth CloseKenmore StreetKenmore WayKennedy DriveKensal House (Stop R)Kensal House (Stop S)Kensington DriveKent StreetKenyon LaneKenyon RoadKeswick RdKeylineKfc RestaurantKibble CrescentKiddrow LaneKielder DriveKilsyth RoadKilsyth Swimming PoolKilworth DriveKing CrossKingdom HallKing Edward Road-Tyne GardensKing Edward Road-War MemorialKingfisherKing Lane (Stand F)Kings ArmsKings CausewayKings Coughton LaneKings GardensKingshill AvenueKingsley RoadKingsmuir DriveKing'S RoadKings Road CavershamKing StreetKing Street (Stand E)Kingsway CourtKingsway-Fifth AvenueKingsway-Fourth AvenueKingsway NorthKingsway North - First AvenueKingsway-Second AvenueKingsway SouthKingsway (Stop A)Kingsway (Stop F)Kippie LodgeKirk BraeKirkby Malham SchoolKirkconnel AvenueKirk GateKirk HouseKnights Bridge RdKnot LaneKnotts RoadKnowl End FarmKnowl Ends FarmKnowsley RoadLaburnum CloseLaburnum GroveLachman RoadLadbroke Grove / Kilburn Lane (Stop V)Ladbroke Grove Sainsbury'S (Stop T)Ladbroke Grove Sainsbury'S (Stop U)Ladbroke Grove (Stop A)Ladbroke Grove (Stop B)Ladbroke Square Gardens (Stop Hn)Ladbroke Square Gardens (Stop Hs)Ladbrook RdLaird'S Hill PlaceLakey LaneLambeth StreetLamb RowLamb Springs FarmLancaster DriveLancaster GateLandfill SiteLand-Fill SiteLane EndLane Ends HotelLane HeadLane House TerminusLangholme StreetLangstane Kirk (Stop B4)Langstane Kirk (Stop B5)Larch Tree AvenueLasswade GroveLate ShopLatham CloseLaund RoadLaurel StreetLauriston BuildingLauriston PlaceLavender RoadLaverock CrescentLeamington TerraceLeaver StreetLeeming CloseLee Mount ChurchLeet RoadLench RoadLennox GardensLentilfield StreetLeonard StreetLevant StreetLever StreetLeylands Lane Leylands GroveLeylands Lane Toller LnLeylands Ln Garden LnLeys RoadLeyton StreetLibraryLiddlesdale RoadLimefield BrowLimehouse FarmLime Tree GroveLinby StreetLinden StreetLingcrag GardensLinks RoadLinn GardensLinton DriveLister ParkLister StreetLitchfield TerraceLittle Germany ULittle Germany VLittlemooor RoadLittlemoor RoadLittle OaksLivesey Branch RoadLob MillLochrin BuildingsLochside CrescentLochside PlaceLockhaugh Road-Cowen TerraceLockhaugh Road-Derwent ParkLockhaugh Road-FarmLockhaugh Road-Hollin Hill LaneLockyer AveLockyer AvenueLode Heath SchoolLodge CottageLoftus Road (Stop Le)Lomeshaye RoadLomond DriveLong Drive (Stop N)Longfield Centre (Stop B)Longfield Centre (Stop D)Longfield RoadLongmead CloseLongridge HeathLongsight RoadLongton RoadLongworth AvenueLord StreetLord Williams Upper School
Lostock Junction LaneLostock Park DriveLoughrigg CloseLouisville AvenueLowe PlantationLower Clowes RdLowergate (Stand H)Lower HolmeLowerhouse FoldLower House GreenLower Manor LaneLower North AveLower North AvenueLow Moor Medical CentreLuddenden FootLuddendenfoot AcademyLullington RoadLulworth RdLydgateLynchgate RdLyndale GarageLyndale RoadLyndeneLyndhurst RoadLyndon RdLynfield Mount HospitalLytham RoadMacdonald AvenueMacdonald CrescentMadeira CroftMain Road-Barmoor LaneMain Road-Barmoor TerraceMain Road-Blackhouse LaneMain Road-Social ClubMain Road - Whitewell LaneMain St Church StreetMain StreetMain Street-EmmavilleMain Street - Kepier ChareMain Street LibraryMain Street The Fleece PhMalsis SchoolMalvern AvenueManchester RoadManchester Road LidlMandela Close (Stop Lq)Manningham Lane Retail ParkMannofield ChurchManor Rd Airedale AvenueManor Rd Bradford Old RoadManor Rd Rycroft AvenueManor Rd School StreetManor RoadManor Road Carnoustie GroveManor Row AManor Row BManor StreetMansergh StreetMansfield CrescentMansion HeightsMaple RoadMarcot RoadMargaret Rose AvenueMarie Curie HospiceMarina CloseMarina WayMarket CloseMarket PlaceMarket Place (Stand A)Market Square (Stop S3)Market Square (Stop S8)Market StreetMarket Street (Stand 4)Market Street (Stand 5)Market Street (Stop B)Markfield DriveMarkham RoadMarler RdMarl PitsMarnland GroveMarriott HotelMarsden CrescentMarsden Hall RoadMarsden Height Comm CollMarsden ParkMarshall AvenueMarsh LaneMarston RiseMartland AvenueMarton Road EndMasefield DriveMasons ArmsMasons Arms PhMasons MillMaudslay RdMaud StreetMayfield AvenueMayfieldsMayo AvenueMayroyd BridgeMcdonaldsMeadowacreMeadows AvenueMeads SchoolMeasham GroveMeasham RoadMechanics InstituteMeggetland TerraceMelbourne RoadMelrose AveMelrose AvenueMelrose GardensMelton AveMelton DriveMelvile StreetMemorial ParkMerchiston Castle SchoolMerchiston ParkMereclough BrowMerevale RdMerlin GroveMerton StreetMethodist ChurchMiddlegate GreenMiddlesex AveMiddlesex AvenueMidgley RoadMidsummer ParkMiles LaneMill Hill LaneMillhouse StreetMill LaneMillsMill TavernMilltimber BraeMillwood DepotMilnrow RoadMilton Of TullichMilton Road-Chaucer RoadMilton StreetMinerva RoadMire Ash BrowMitchell AveMitella StreetMoat House InnMoat House LaneModerna WayMonaltrie RoadMonearn GardensMonkroyd BungalowMonmouth StreetMontague StreetMontgomery WayMontrose StreetMoor Bottom Rd Fairlands CloseMoor Bottom Rd Whitley DriveMoor Bottom RoadMoor Bottom Road Trinity Academy (Stop 4)Moorfield GarageMoorgate Primary Care Centre (Stop Uu)Moorland CrescentMoorland DriveMoorland RoadMoorlands ViewMoorland ViewMoor LaneMoorside AvenueMoorside ClubMoorside SchoolMoorview CloseMorningside RoadMorris DancersMorrisons (Stop 2)Morrisons (Stop 4)Morrison (Stop 3)Morrison StreetMortonhall Park AvenueMortonhall Park GardensMosley AvenueMosley StreetMoss Bank WayMoss DriveMoss FarmMossfield CourtMotorway BridgeMotorway Service Area (Entrance)Mottram StreetMountain Mill LaneMount LaneMount StMount StreetMount ViewMount ZionMount Zion RoadMowbray StreetMuirhouse AvenueMuirhouse GardensMuirhouse HubMuirhouse ViewMundle AvenueMunicipal HallMurrayburn ParkMurray StreetMurroes SchoolMurtle Den RoadMurtle MillMuseumMushroom HallMusic Hall (Stop C4)Music Hall (Stop C6)Mytholm HallMytholmroyd New RdNab RiseNabs Head LaneNan ScarNapier StreetNatty LaneNatty Ln Eastwood AvenueNatty Ln Sturton LaneNatwest BankNavigation StreetNeedle CloseNeilburn DriveNellfield CemeteryNellfield PlaceNelson And Colne CollegeNelson RoadNetherby RoadNetherfield RoadNetherlands AvenueNether SunnysideNetwork 65New Church RoadNewfield HallNewfield Hall GatesNew HagueNew Hague CottagesNew Hall FarmNew Hall StreetNewhouse RoadNewman StreetNewmillNew Park Rd Ashbourne CrescNew Park Road Foxhill GroveNew Park StreetNew StreetNew Street (Stand 3)New Street (Stand 9)New SwanstonNewton DriveNight StandNine Days LaneNire RoadNixon RoadNoel AvenueNorland Square (Stop Hc)Norland Square (Stop Hk)Norman VillasNorthcote RoadNorthern CpsNorthfolk TerraceNorth Holme EstateNorth Hylton Rd-Industrial EstNorth Hylton Road-Ashwood AvenueNorth Hylton Road-Hollywood AvenueNorth Hylton Road-Reeth RoadNorth Hylton Road-Yew Tree AvenueNorth Park Rd Victor RoadNorth RoadNorth St Albert StreetNorth St Albert Street (Stop N2)North StreetNorthumberland StreetNorth View-Laburnum GroveNorth View-Milton RoadNorth WalkNorton RoadNorwood AvenueNorwood CrescentNoyna StreetNugent RoadNumberNursery LaneNuttall SquareOak BankOakbank DriveOakdaleOaklandsOak LaneOak Lane Manningham LnOak Lane North Park LnOak Lane St Marys RdOak MillOak StreetOakwood CloseOat StreetOdsal Fire StationOdsal TopOld Black LionOld Hall RoadOld Kiln LaneOld LaneOld Laund StreetOld Mother RedcarOld OakOld Oak Common Railway Depot (Stop C)Old Oak Common Railway Depot (Stop T)Old Oak Lane / Atlas Road (Stop J)Old ParsonageOld Pepper LaneOld Railway StationOld Red LionOld Stone TroughOld StreetOld Tollhouse RoadOlton ParkOnslow CrescentOrange Hill RoadOrchan RoadOrdnance StreetOrmerod RoadOrrell Post (Stop A)Orrell Post (Stop B)Orrell Rail Station (Stop A)Orrell Rail Station (Stop B)Osbaston CloseOswald StreetOtley Rd Baildon RoadOtley Rd Hoyle Court RoadOtley Rd John StreetOtley Rd Kirklands LaneOtley Rd Midland RoadOtley Rd Roundwood AvenueOtley Rd Roundwood RoadOtley Rd Woodcot AvenueOtley Rd Wood StreetOtley Road Hoyle CourtOtley Road St Johns CourtOtley Road Tong ParkOverdale ParkOverdale RdOxfamOxford CloseOxgangs AvenueOxgangs LibraryOxgangs Primary SchoolOxgangs TerraceOx Hey LaneParish ChurchPark AvenuePark DrivePark End Street (Stop D5)Park FarmParkhead EstatePark High SchoolPark Hill RoundaboutPark InnParkinson StreetPark Lane BottomPark Lane-Buttermere CresPark Lane-Parkgate LanePark ParadePark RoadParksideParkside RoadPark StreetPark ViewPark View ClosePark View Rd North Park RoadPark WoodParliament StreetParsons RoadPatterson StreetPattinson Road-Alston RoadPattinson Road-Mandarin WayPaulhan StreetPeel BrowPeel Park AvenuePeel Retail ParkPeel StreetPeers Clough RoadPelham LanePendle Club (Stand L)Pendle Heritage CentrePendle StreetPendle Vale CollegePennine GrovePennine RoadPennington ClosePeople'S ParkPepper LanePercy StreetPerdrixknowePhillipersPhillips LanePiccadilly RoadPicnic AreaPier AvenuePierce AvePilton DrivePine Tree RoadPitfodels Station RoadPitmurchie RoadPitstruan PlacePittengullies BraePitt StreetPlanks CottagesPlantation ViewPolefield Hall RoadPolice StationPolwarth CrescentPolwarth Parish ChurchPolwarth ParkPolwarth TerracePool Meadow Bus Station (Stand T)Poplar Drive ShopsPortfield RoadPortnall Road (Stop R)PortsmouthPost BoxPost OfficePost Office (Stop E)Post Office (Stop F)Pot Oven FarmPotter LanePowell StreetPratt StreetPrestfield RoadPrestige ParkPreston RoadPriest And SowPrimary SchoolPrimrose CottagePrimrose LanePrince'S ParkPrincess StreetPrince Street (Stop B)Printers FoldPrintworks (Stop Nk)Printworks (Stop Np)PriorfieldsProspecthill RoadProspect PlaceProspect RoadProspect TerracePudsey RoadPunch TavernQuakers ViewQuarry RoadQueensbury CenotaphQueensbury High StreetQueensgate DepotQueens Lane (Stop J3)Queens Park Rangers Fc (Stop Lp)Queens Park RoadQueens RoadQueen'S RoadQueen StreetQueenswayRadcliffe Metrolink (Stop B)Radlett RoadRaemoir LaneRaemoir RoadRaglan StreetRaikeswoodRail StationRailway InnRailway StationRailway Station BridgeRailway Station (Stop A)Railway Station (Stop B)Railway Station (Stop C)Railway Station (Stop R1)Rainhall RoadRaith DriveRam InnRamsay AvenueRamsay StreetRaphael DriveRattenclough WoodRatten Clough WoodRavensdale RoadRay BridgeRecreation GroundRectory CloseRedcot LaneRedditch Bus Station (Stand G)Redditch RoadRedford BarracksRedheughs AvenueRed LaneRed LionRed Lion PhRed Lion RoundaboutRed Lion Street SchoolRedman RoadRedruth StreetRed Spar RoadReedley GroveReedley RoadReeds CrescentRegent RoadRegent StreetReidford GardensRendezvousReservoirRevidge RoadRex CloseReynolds StreetRhu Na Haven RoadRibblesdale AvenueRichard StreetRichmond RoadRickmans CornerRidge AvenueRidgeway Hillcrest RoadRiley AvenueRiley LaneRiley Lane Illingworth RdRiley StreetRishton LaneRising Bridge RoadRiversdaleRiverside Business ParkRiverside Ind ParkRiverside MewsRiverside RoadRiver StreetRoad EndRobert StreetRobin Hill DriveRobin HoodRobinson StreetRochdale Community Fire StationRochdale Interchange (Stand C)Rock Cliffe MountRockcliffe StreetRock LaneRoebuck InnRogersfieldRonald StreetRook StreetRookwoodRose And CrownRose Cottage FlatsRose Grove LaneRose Hill AvenueRosehill RoadRose Hill RoadRose StreetRosewood AvenueRossall RoadRossendale AvenueRostron ArmsRough Hill DriveRoughlee GroveRoughlee StreetRoundaboutRoundell RoadRoundhillRoundhill EstateRowlands RoadRowood DriveRoyal Botanic GardenRoyal Court TheatreRoyal Crescent (Stop Hd)Royal Crescent (Stop Hj)Royal Grammar SchoolRoyal OakRoyd MillRoyds StreetRush HeyRushton StreetRuskin AveRuskin RoadRuskin StreetRussell StreetRustic CottagesRuth StreetRutland GroveRydal AvenueRydings ParkRyeland StreetRyton VillageSabden RoadSackville StreetSacred Heart ChurchSainsburysSalisbury TerraceSalterford LaneSaltway CentreSaltwell Road South-Chowdene BankSaltwell Road South-Joseph SwanSalus StreetSalvesen CrescentSalveson GardensSamlesbury HallSamlesbury Hall Golf CentreSamlesbury HotelSandbedSandfield RoadSandfield Road BottomSandfield Road TopSandhills CloseSandholme VillasSandyhall LaneSankey DriveSansome RdSaunders RoadScaitcliffe HouseScar LaneScarman RdScholefield AvenueScholefield LaneSchool LaneSchool Lane Riley LaSchool Lane The FairwaySchool RoadSchool Stand (Stop C1)School StreetScosttop ManorScotland Head-BirchgateScotland Head-Park LaneScotland Head-Stephenson WayScotland Head-St Pauls ChurchScotland Head-West LaneScott Park RoadSea Street Gas WorksSea Street RoundaboutSecond Avenue (Stop T)Sedburgh FieldsSeddon AvenueSefton CloseSelby StreetSeldon StreetSett EndSett End RoadShabbington TurnShakespeare InnShap GroveShawbrook WalkShaw Wood ViewShay LaneShay Lane Brow LaneShay Lane Heathy LnShay Lane Ivy House PhShays DriveShepherd'S Bush Green (Stop P)Shepherd'S Bush Market Station (Stop Q)Shepherd'S Bush (Stop A)Shepherd'S Bush (Stop D)Sherburn Tower EstateSherburn Tower Estate- LilleycroftSherburn Tower Estate-LilleycroftSherburn Tower Estate-Snipes DeneSherburn Towersestate-Snipes Dene
Sheriff AveShetland CloseShevington Primary SchoolShevington Vale Primary SchoolShibdon Bank-Hazel RoadShibdon Bank-Lime StreetShibdon RoadShibdon Road-Axwell ParkShibdon Road-East ViewShibdon Road-Swalwell RoundaboutShirley Rail StnShirley Rd EastsideShorrock LaneShorton Brook DriveShudehill Interchange (Stand A)Shudehill Interchange (Stand E)Shuttleworth MeadSidebeet LaneSilentnightSilsden Rd Big Meadow DriveSilsden Rd Moor Park WaySilsden RoadSilverknowes Terminus (Stop 2)Simon JerseySimonstone Business ParkSimonstone LaneSimonstone RoadSir Herbert Wragg WaySir Robert PeelSkelcher RdSkellandsSki CentreSkipton BsSkipton New RoadSkipton Rd Appletree GardensSkipton Rd Cocking LaneSkipton Rd Easby DriveSkipton Rd LaybySkipton Rd Middleton RoadSkipton Rd Victoria AvenueSkipton Rd Westville RoadSkipton Road Chelker ReservoirSkipton Road Dale ViewSkipton Road NetherwoodSkipton Road The HollinsSlade LaneSlaidburn AvenueSlater AvenueSlead AvenueSmalley StreetSmethurst LaneSmiddySmithfieldSmith House LaneSod HillSolihull HospitalSolihull Town Centre (Stop Sc)Somerset AvenueSough LaneSough ParkSouth Anderson DriveSouthcrestSouthfield DriveSouthfield StreetSouth Gyle Crescent LaneSouth Gyle Trade ParkSouthhouse LoanSouth Kingennie Road EndSouthlands FarmSouthlands GroveSouth Of Studley Road IslandSouthwick Road-Carley RoadSouthwick Road-Carley SquareSouthwick Road-Howard StreetSouthwick Road-Morgan StreetSouthwick Road-StadiumSouthwick Road-Suddick StreetSouthwick Road-Wallace StreetSouthwood CrescentSouthwood DriveSpeedwell Street (Stop S1)Spen FoldSpernal Ash GarageSpire Road-Glover Industrial EstateSpires AcademySpouthouse LaneSpout House LaneSpread Eagle StreetSpringfield RoadSpring GardensSpring Hill RoadSpring Mill StreetSpring RowSpring RoydSpringsideSpring SideSprings Lane Tivoli PlaceSprings Lane Wheatley RdSprings Medical CentreSpring VillasSpylaw BankStaghills RoadStaines HillStandish Post OfficeSt Andrews ChurchStandroyd DriveStanhope ArmsStanhope AvenueStannerford RoadStannerford Road-Crawcrook LaneStannerford Road-FarmStanroyd BungalowStansfield BridgeStanway RoadStargate LaneStargate Lane-King Edward RoadStargate Lane-Main RoadStargate Lane-Middle RowStarley Rd (Stop Cr2)Starley Rd (Stop Cr4)Starling Road (Stop D)StationStation BraeStation HotelStation LaneStation Rd (Stop Af)Station RoadStation Road EastStation Road (Stand I)Station Road - The GroveStation Road WestStation WoodSt Augustines ChurchSt Augustines RchsSt Bedes RchsSt Benedicts Rc SchoolSt Charles Square/Ladbroke Grv (Stop E)St Charles Square/Ladbroke Grv (Stop F)St Christophers HsSt Clements Street (Stop C)St Cuthberts High SchoolSt Cuthbert'S High SchoolSt. Devenick'S PlaceSteeton Primary SchoolStella Bank-RunheadStella Road-Hedgefield AvenueStella Road-Hedgefield TerraceStella Road-High HedgefieldStella Road-Stella Hall DriveStella Road-Stella StreetSteventon Road (Stop Oa)St Faiths RoadStirling CourtStirling Industrial EstateStirton Lane EndSt James CepsSt James ChurchSt James Gardens (Stop C)St James PlaceSt James SchoolSt James' SchoolSt James StreetSt James Street (Stop 2)St James Street (Stop 3)St John Rigby CollegeSt Johns CepsSt Johns ChurchSt Johns Church (Stop Cs1)St Johns Church (Stop Cs4)St Johns RoadSt John'S RoadSt John The Baptist ChurchSt John The Baptist RcpsSt Joseph'S High SchoolSt Luke'S ChurchSt Mary Magdalenes RcpsSt Marys Burial GroundSt Marys ChurchSt Marys GateSt Marys Rd Oak LaneSt Mary'S Road (Stop U)St Mary'S SchoolSt Matthews StreetSt Matthew StreetSt Michaels ChurchSt Michaels SchoolSt Monica'S High SchoolSt Nicholas RoadStockton RoadStone MoorStone Moor BottomStoney LaneStoney SpringsStony HillStonyhurst RoadStopes RoadStork HotelStorrs HillStott Street (Stop H)St Pauls RoadSt Peters CentreSt Peters ChurchSt Peters RoadStrange StreetStrangewaysStratford CollegeStratford High SchoolStrawberry BankStrawberry StreetStreetfieldStretton ViewSt Saviour'S Church (Stop Oh)St Silas RoadSt Stephen'S ChurchSt Thomas ChurchSt Wilfrids RoadSt Wilfrids SchoolSudell NookSulphur Well HousesSummer ManorSunderland HighwaySunderland InterchangeSunderland Road - Stoney LaneSunderland StreetSun InnSunningdale AvenueSunnybankSunny Bank RoadSunnyfield AvenueSunnysideSunnyside AvenueSunnyside DriveSunnywood DriveSurgerySuspension BridgeSussex StreetSutcliffe StreetSutcliife StreetSutton Lane EndSwainswood ParkSwansea RoadSwanston RoadSwinden Hall RoadSwinless StreetSycamore CloseSycamore CourtSycamore DriveSycamore PlaceSydney AvenueSydney StreetSyke Methodist ChurchSykes AvenueSyke Side BridgeSyke Side DriveTamworth RoadTanglewoodTankerton CircusTarget Wood DriveTarleton AvenueTaybridge DriveTaybridge TerraceTaylor StreetTeam Valley CentreTedder AvenueTelephone ExchangeTempest ArmsTempest RoadTempest United FcTennyson RoadTen Shilling WoodTersets Road EndTescoTesco (Stand G)Teviot HouseTewit LaneThane RowThe AnchorageThe ArchesThe Auction HouseThe AvenueThe BaileyThe BaldwinThe Bay HorseThe BeehiveThe BirchesThe BrunshawThe Buck InnThe ColebrookThe CrescentThe CroftThe Crown (Stop C)The Crown (Stop D)The Dalesway PhThe DriveThe EagleThe EngineThe FairwayThe Fairway (Stop A)The Fairway (Stop M)The FoxThe GablesThe GatewaysThe Golden Fleece Bradshaw LaneThe GossamersThe Gossamers ShopsThe GrangeThe Grange AcademyThe GreenThe GroveThe HeightsThe Journeys EndThe Lamb InnThe LawnThe Long CausewayThe MallThe Manor HouseThe MaudsleyThe MeadowsThe MissionThe ModerationThe MoorlandsThe Mound (Stop Md)The Octagon CentreThe Old SawmillThe OwlsThe PloughThe PrairieThe RidgewayThe Rock (Stop Bb)The RoebuckThe Spinning MillThe SquareThe SummitThe SwanThe VenueThe VineriesThe WheatsheafThe WindmillThe WoodmanThe ZoneThird Avenue (Stop P)Thistle BottomThistle Street (Stop Gh)Thomber GardensThompson StreetThorn BushThorn DriveThorne StreetThorneybank Ind EstThorneyholme RoadThorn GardensThornhill Park And Ride (Stop B)Thornhill Park And Ride (Stop F)Thornhill RoadThornleigh Salesian College (Stand A)Thornleigh Salesian College (Stand B)Thornley Lane-Glamis CrescentThornley Lane-HollinhillThorn StreetThornton ArmsThornton CloseThornton HillThornton Post OfficeThorn TreeThorp AcademyThree ArchesThrockmorton ArmsThrostle Nest FarmThrostle Nest Farm LeThurlston AveThursby RoadThurston StreetTile Hill Rail StationTintagel CloseTirinieToby JugTodd Carr RdTodmorden Bus Stn CTodmorden Bus Stn ETodmorden Halifax RdTodmorden High SchTodmorden J&I SchTodmorden LidlTodmorden WmcToll BarToller Lane Masham PlaceToller Ln Heaton Park DriveToller Ln Lynton DriveToms Town LaneTong Lane TopTop O'Th' CarrsTop Park GatesTottington High SchoolTouchwood Hall CloseTower RoadTowneley AvenueTownfield AvenueTown HallTown Hall (Stand A)Townhouse RoadTrade ParkTrafalgar StreetTrafford GardensTrawden ArmsTredgold StreetTrent RoadTrevore DriveTriangleTrident Way BridgeTrinity WayTuel Lane TopTurf MoorTurf StreetTurning CircleTurnpike RoadTwechar Primary SchoolTyne StreetUlleries RdUnderley StreetUnion Square Bus Station (Stance 8)Union StreetUnion Street (Stop I)Unity WmcUniversity Interchange (Stop Uw1)Unsworth Medical CentreUplands DriveUpper FootUpper Packington RoadUtley CemeteryUxbridge Road (Stop Ob)Uxbridge Road (Stop Og)Vale ChurchVale RoyalValley GardensValley ParadeValley Rd Poplar RoadValley Rd Shipley Fields RoadValley Rd Wallbank DriveValley Rd Wharncliffe RoadValley StreetValley ViewVarsity Pitches (Stop Gh1)Varsity Pitches (Stop Gh2)Vaynor DriveVenice AvenueVermontVernon RoadVicarage AvenueVicarage LaneVictoria Business CentreVictoria HotelVictoria ParkVictoria RdVictoria RoadVictoria StreetVictoria TerraceVictory HallViewfield RoadViewforthVillage CentreVillage HallVillage StoreVillage StoresVincent StVincent StreetWaddington AvenueWaggoners InnWagon LaneWaidshouse RoadWaidshouse Road TopWalker AvenueWalmersley Post OfficeWalmersley RoadWalshaw High SchoolWalton ArmsWalton LaneWalton PlaceWalton StreetWardie RoadWardmillWarley Wood AvenueWar MemorialWarren DriveWarren GreenWarriston DriveWarriston GardensWarth BridgeWarwick DriveWashington District 15 ExitWashington Galleries Bus StationWashington Retail ParkWashington RoadWaterfields WayWaterside MewsWaterstock TurnWaterview Park Stand 3WaterworksWatford High Street Railway Station (Stop A)Watford High Street Railway Station (Stop B)Watford Junction Railway Station (Stop 5)Watling StreetWatt StreetWavelengthsWaxlow Road (Stop Pa)Waxlow Road (Stop Pn)Webb Place (Stop K)Webb Place (Stop S)Weem HotelWeir LaneWellesley DriveWellfield Close (Stop B)Well Green LaneWellhouse RoadWells Green RdWells House RoadWell St (Stop Bs3)Well St (Stop Bs7)Well Terrace (Stop B)Well Terrace (Stop C)Well Terrace (Stop D)WellwoodWemyss DriveWendover DriveWesley Old HallWest BrathensWestbrook FarmWest Craven HsWest Craven Sports CentreWest Cults RoadWester Hailes ParkWestern Avenue/Savoy Circus (Stop D)Western Avenue/Savoy Circus (Stop K)Westerton RoadWestfield RoadWestgate (Stop E5)Westherhill CrescentWestminster Registration Office (Stop H)West ParkWestside Plaza (Stop 2)West TerraceWest ViewWest View RoadWestwood AcademyWestwood CampusWestwood WayWhalley RoadWharfedale Rd Lumb Gill LaneWharfedale Rd Moor LaneWharfedale Rd Skipton RoadWharfedale Road Chelker House FarmWharton RoadWheatley LaneWheatsheafWhernside LaneWhickham Highway-Coniston AvenueWhickham Highway-Knightside GardensWhickham Highway-The HighwaymanWhinney Hill RoadWhitakers ArmsWhitchaff InnWhiteacreWhiteacre LaneWhite BearWhite City Bus Station (Stop Wg)White City Bus Station (Stop Wj)White City (Stop Wa)White CrossWhitegateWhitehall Avenue BottomWhite HartWhitehill RoadWhitehill Road Threap CroftWhite HorseWhite Lee TerraceWhitelow RoadWhite SwanWhitewalls DriveWhitewell LaneWhittakers ArmsWhitty LaneWhoberley CourtWichnor RdWidgeon WayWidowhill RoadWidow Hill RoadWildwoodWillesden County Court (Stop S)Willesden County Court (Stop T)Willesden Junction Station (Stop L)Willesden Junction Station (Stop M)William Bree RdWilliam StreetWillow DriveWillow RoadWilmcote Green ShopsWilmer Rd Garden TerraceWilmer Rd Park View RdWilpshire Hotel (Stop 1)Wilpshire Hotel (Stop 2)Wilton CloseWilton StreetWinchcombe DriveWindermere AveWindmillWindsor RoadWindsor StreetWindy Bank TopWinewall RoadWinlaton Bus StationWinmarleigh StreetWinstanley CollegeWinterfield DriveWinter Hey LaneWinterley DriveWinton DriveWinton GroveWithin GroveWithins StreetWitton ParkWolfe RdWolstenholme AvenueWoodberry WalkWoodbine RoadWoodbine StreetWood Hey GroveWoodhouse RoadWoodlands AvenueWoodlands DriveWoodland ViewWood Lane TopWoodman AvenueWoodmere AvenueWoodrow ChaseWoodside CrescentWoodside FarmWoodside RoadWoods LaneWood TopWordsworth StreetWormholt Road Shepherd'S Bush (Stop La)Wormholt Road Shepherd'S Bush (Stop Lk)Wyfordby AvenueWyke Community CentreWyke Lion JunctionWyke Old LaneWyke ParkWyke Town GateWyke Village GreenWylam ViewYe Old SparrowhawkYew ParkYew TreeYork LaneYork RoadYork StYork Street
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