Abbeyhills RoadAbbey RoadAbbey ViewAbbots RoadAbbott RoadAberconway StreetAberford RoadAbertay StreetAccess 26 Business ParkAcorn CentreAcre MeadowAdderley TerraceAireburn AvenueAiredale Hospital Main EntranceAiredale Hospital (Stop A)Airedale Hospital (Stop B)Airedale Hospital (Stop C)Albemarle RoadAlbert AvenueAlbert ParkAlbert StreetAlbion StreetAldfield RoadAldiAlexander AvenueAlexander CloseAlexandra AvenueAlexandra StreetAlfred RoadAlfred StreetAlfreton Bus Station (Stand 2)Alfreton Bus Station (Stand 3)Alfreton RoadAlfreton Road BridgeAllerton Grange AveAltrincham College Of ArtsAmazonAmazon Summit ParkAmber Business CentreAmberfield SchoolAndrews DriveAnglia WayAnnesley LaneAnnesley RoadArden Lodge RoadArden Vale RdArgyll RoadArkwright Street (Stop Me01)Arnold Road (Stop Sh50)Arnold Road (Stop Sh51)AsdaAshcourt GardensAsh CrescentAshfield CollegeAshford DriveAshgate RoadAshgrove RoadAshludie HospitalAshmore AvenueAshton RoadAshurst GroveAspley Lane (Stop Wm17)Aspley Lane (Stop Wm18)Astral GroveAtkin LaneAtkinson GardensAylesbury RdAyscough AvenueBack LaneBadger BoxBaguley ClinicBaguley Post OfficeBailey Brook DriveBaines AvenueBaker RoadBalfour StreetBall HillBalls LaneBank StreetBaptist ChurchBarbara SquareBar House LaneBarkly RoadBar Lane (Stop Ci04)Bar Lane (Stop Wm13)Barnett CloseBarnfield CottagesBarnsideBarn Street (Stop Kb)Barn Street (Stop Ke)Barracks FarmBasfordBasford Hall College (Stop Ci10)Basford Hall College (Stop Ci13)Basford Road (Stop Wm12)Basford Road (Stop Wm14)Bassingfield LaneBath Street (Stop 2)Bath Street (Stop 4)Bathwood DriveBay Horse RoundaboutBeaconsfield StreetBeardall StreetBears LaneBeastmarket Hill (Stop B3)Beaumond GardensBeauvale CrescentBeauvale RoadBeckfield RoadBeck LaneBed & BiscuitBeech AvenueBeechcliffe SchoolBeech Hill DriveBeech RoadBeechwood RoadBeeston CentreBeetwell Street (Stop G)Belgrave AvenueBella MiaBellamy RoadBelle Vue LaneBelsize RoadBelvoir RoadBenson StreetBentcliffe GroveBentinck Miners WelfareBentinck Road (Stop Ra20)Bent LaneBernard AvenueBernard Street (Stop Sh43)Bernard Street (Stop Sh59)Berristow LaneBestwood Park Drive (Stop Rp19)Bestwood Road (Stop Bu27)Bestwood Road (Stop Bu28)Bideford DriveBingham Road (Stop Sh04)Bingham Road (Stop Sh16)Birchwood DriveBirkin LaneBishop Luffa SchoolBishop StreetBlack BoyBlack BullBlack Bull InnBlack HorseBlacksmiths CourtBlackthorne DriveBlenheim RoadBlenheim WayBlidworth LaneBlidworth RoadBlidworth WayeBoden Street (Stop Ra22)Boden Street (Stop Ra33)Bolingey WayBotany AvenueBottlebrook HousesBoughton CloseBould StreetBoundary DriveBoundary RoadBoweswell RoadBowler StreetBowling Green SchoolBowling RoadBrackenfield WalkBramcote LaneBramley RoadBranksome RoadBraunton CloseBreach RoadBreckland CrematoriumBreightmet DriveBrett CloseBriarfield RoadBriar LaneBriarwood AvenueBridge RoadBridge StreetBridle LaneBridlington Street (Stop Ra26)Brierly RoadBrinsley HeadstocksBrinsley HillBritannia Airport Hotel (Stop D)British LegionBroadgate Sowood Community CentreBroadhead RoadBroad LaneBroad Marsh Bus Station (Bay 1)Broadway StreetBrock AvenueBrookdale RoadBrookhill Road Industrial EstateBrooklyn Day NurseryBrook StreetBrookswood Industrial EstateBroomwell GardensBrougham AvenueBrowns RoadBroxtowe Lane (Stop Ci02)Broxtowe Lane (Stop Ci40)Brueton AvenueBrunswick RoadBryant LaneBuckingham WayBullock LaneBulwellBulwell Bus Station (Stop Bu03)Bulwell Bus Station (Stop Bu07)Bulwell ForestBurntstump HillBurton RoadBurton Street (Stop T8)Buryfield WayBusiness ParkBus Link (Stop 1)Bus Link (Stop 2)Bus ShelterBus Station (Stand 0)Bus Station (Stand 1)Bus Station (Stand B)Bus Station Stand H (Stand H)Bus Station Stand O (Stand O)Butler'S HillButterley GrangeButterley RowButtery LaneButton LaneBuxton AvenueByron StreetBywell LaneCaesar StreetCaird HallCalderdale Royal HospitalCalverton RoadCamp Main GateCanberra CrescentCanning Circus (Stop Cc09)Canning Circus (Stop Cc11)CapitaCarnarvon StreetCarnfield HallCar ShowroomsCarsic LaneCarsic RoadCarsic Road ShopCasterton AvenueCastle Gate (Stop M5)Castle Meadow (Stop Cw)Castle StreetCathedral (Stop P)Cathedral (Stop Y1)Cator LaneCavell CourtCedar StreetCemeteryCentral AvenueChadburn RoadChadwick Road (Stop Ra24)Chadwick Road (Stop Ra32)Chapel Allerton SchChapel LaneChapel StreetChapel Street Cumbersome CornerCharles StreetCharnwood StreetCharter CloseChester ParkChestnut GroveCheyne WalkChilwell RoadChpl Allerton HospChristchurch RoadChurchChurch DriveChurch Drive (Stop Sh03)Church Drive (Stop Sh17)Churchill WayChurchland AvenueChurch LaneChurch RoadChurch StreetChurch ViewCinderhill Island (Stop Ci11)Cinderhill Island (Stop Ci12)City HospitalCity Hospital (Stop Sh48)Clarence StreetClarksfield RoadClaypotts RoadClayton StreetCliff LaneClifton GroveClifton WayClipstone AvenueClover StreetClumber CrescentClumber DriveClumber StreetCoach And HorsesCoach DriveCoach Station (Bay B)Colbran StreetCollins AvenueCollins CloseCollin Street (Stop C1)Colney LaneColumbia AvenueCommercial Street 21Common LaneCommon RoadCommonsideCommunity HospitalConey Grey SpinneyCo-OpCopeland RoadCopgrove RoadCoppice CloseCoppice Primary SchoolCopthorne DriveCordy LaneCordy Lane TopCornerCorn Exchange CCorn Exchange ECornwall RoadCoronation RoadCorporation Street (Stop C2)Cotes Park LaneCouncil OfficesCountry ParkCountry Park Car ParkCoventry Court (Stop Bu46)Coventry Court (Stop Bu52)Cowper StreetCrabtree StreetCraigiebarns RoadCraven StreetCrawford PlaceCrawford StreetCrays HillCrescent RoadCressy RoadCricket GroundCringleford HeightsCroft LaneCroft StreetCrosland RoadCross Flatts GroveCross Flatts ParkCrosshills Social ClubCrossroadsCross StreetCrosswaysCrow Hill ViewCrown GardensCrown HotelCulina LogisticsCurlew RoadDairy LaneDalestorth CloseDalestorth GardensDalgleish RoadDanesby CrescentDanesby RiseDarcy StreetDavid LaneDavid StreetDawlish CloseDaybrook SquareDee AvenueDelves CourtDenby BankDenby Hall Business ParkDenby Visitor CentreDenfind Road EndDenton RoadDerby RoadDerwent StreetDesborough RoadDevonshire TerraceDewsbury Road HubDiamond AvenueDicks LaneDobbie'S Garden CentreDobbs LaneDoctors Corner
Does FieldDog & Gun PhDorner AvenueDoverbeck CloseDrumsturdy RoadDryclough LaneDuke Of SussexDuke Of WellingtonDuke Of YorkDuke StreetDuke Street (Stop Bu35)Dundarroch GardensDunnotar PlaceDunsmore AvenueDunsmore DriveEagle WalkEast AvenueEastburn BridgeEast Haddon RoadEast Midlands Designer OutletEastwood LibraryEastwood ParkEbury Road (Stop Sh42)Ebury Road (Stop Sh60)Eden HallEdward AvenueEdward RoadEdward StreetEelwood RoadEldon RoadEllesmere AvenueEllieslea RoadEllis Street (Stop 1)Elm AvenueElmore TerraceElms AvenueElmsley StreetElveden CloseEmmott ArmsEngine LaneEnterprise CentreEpiscopal ChurchErewash StreetEskdale DriveEthel AvenueEtheldeneEthiebeaton VillageEugene Gardens (Stop Me03)Eugene Gardens (Stop Me08)Every StreetExeter RoadExley BankFackley RoadFairfield RoadFalkirk DriveFanhams HallFarlex FieldsFarndale RoadFarndon RoadFarnsworth AvenueFarrer StreetFaulkeners WayFelley Mill LaneFelley PrioryFerncliffe DriveFerndale DriveFern StreetFforde Grene JctFieldhead DriveFire StationFirs AvenueFirst Bus DepotFir Tree AvenueFloatshall RoadFlowery Leys LaneFold ViewFontwell RoundaboutFontwell VillageFootball GroundForecourt (Stand A)Forecourt (Stand B)Forest CloseForest FarmForest Gates (Stop Fo07)Forest Gates (Stop Fo15)Forest HillForest Road (Stop Fo08)Forest Road (Stop Fo34)Forest StreetForest TavernForster StreetFosse WayFoster DriveFoster Drive (Stop Sh09)Foundry LaneFoxFox & CrownFox RoadFox StreetFranderground FarmFrank AvenueFrederick AvenueFrederick Gent SchoolFrederick StreetFrench GroveFriars CloseFrogmore Street (Stop Fo14)Gala Way (Stop Bw02)Gala Way (Stop Bw03)Gamston LockGarden CentreGarden LaneGardyne RoadGeorge StreetGibb StreetGibraltar StreetGilt HillGilthill SchoolGladstone StreetGlebe ParkGledholt RoundaboutGledhow Lidgett LnGledhow SchoolGledhow Valley RoadGlenairGlenn'S (Stop Bu47)GlensideGlen StreetGlodwick RoadGodkin DriveGolf CourseGoosedale LaneGorse Court (Stop Bw19)Gorse Court (Stop Bw20)Granby Junior SchoolGranby StreetGrangemoorGrange RoadGrays CourtGrays DriveGray StreetGreat Central RoadGreat Eastern SquareGreat North RoadGreenacre RoadGreenbourne GardensGreengateGreenhead ParkGreenhead RoadGreen HillGreen LaneGreen Ln Park LaneGreensfieldsGreen SykeGreenwood DriveGreetland Rd BridgeGregory Boulevard West (Stop Ra25)Gregory Boulevard West (Stop Ra47)Gregory StreetGrimston LaneGriston RoadGrosvenor RoadGrosvenor StreetGrove RoadGrove StreetGuildhall DriveGuthrie TerraceHacken LaneHack LaneHaddon RoadHalf MoonHalifax Bus Station EntranceHalifax Bus Station SHall LaneHallwell StreetHamilton RoadHand In HandHands RoadHankin AvenueHansell DriveHanson CrescentHarbour LaneHardy BarnHardy Barn TopHarlow AvenueHarpford DriveHartington DriveHartley HomesHartley Road (Stop Ra28)Hartley Road (Stop Ra49)Harvester CloseHarwood CloseHaslams LaneHavenwood ParkHawkcliffe FarmHawthorn GroveHayden LaneHaydn Road (Stop Sh05)Haydn Road (Stop Sh15)Headstocks (Stop Bu49)Headstocks (Stop Bu50)Healdswood StreetHealth CentreHeathfield Road (Stop Sh49)Heathfield Road (Stop Sh52)Hebrew RoadHelmsley RoadHenning LaneHenry StreetHereford RoadHermitage LaneHickton RoadHighbury ValeHigher Giles FarmHighfield DriveHighfield RoadHigh Leys DriveHigh Leys RoadHigh Oak RoadHigh PavementHigh Road - Central CollegeHigh SchoolHigh StreetHigh Street CoachHigh Street (Stop 1)High Street (Stop 3)Hill CrescentHillcrest DriveHillcrest RoadHillend RoadHillsborough AvenueHill Top DriveHobsic LaneHockley HeathHole In The WallHollinscroft AvenueHollycross RoadHolly Hill RoadHolly RoadHollywell Primary SchoolHolme HouseHolmewood Business ParkHoneywell CentreHoneywell LaneHoningham RoadHorrobin LaneHorse & GroomHouse Of FraserHoward StreetHucknallHucknall (Platform 2)Hucknall Road (Stop Sh01)Hucknall Road (Stop Sh19)Huddersfield Road (Stop B)Hunslet Fire StnHunslet Hall RoadHuntingdon Street (Stop Fo02)Huntingdon Street (Stop Fo09)Huntingdon Street (Stop Fo12)Hurricane RoadHyson Green MarketIbis HotelIcelandIlkeston Community HospitalInfant SchoolInfants SchoolInham RoadInstitute (Stop A)Institute (Stop B)Institute (Stop C)Institute (Stop D)Interchange (Stand 3)Interchange (Stand A)Interchange (Stand B)Ironside WayIsherwood FoldJackson AvenueJacobean LaneJarvis RoadJenny Becketts LaneJohn Flamsteed School Derby Road EntranceJohn Flamsteed School Ryknield Hill EntraceJohn Flamsteed School Ryknield Hill EntranceJohn Innes InstituteJohnson AvenueJoseph Whitaker SchoolJoseph Whitaker School Bus ParkJudges WalkJumbles Country ParkJumbles NurseryJunior SchoolKeats DriveKeighley RufcKeillorcroftKelstern Close (Stop Ci09)Kenbrook RoadKenilworth AvenueKennelsKeswick RoadKighill LaneKimberley LibraryKingham RoadKing LaneKingsley RoadKings Mill HospitalKings Mill LaneKings Mill WayKingsway CourtKingsway RoadKing WilliamKing William StreetKinoulton RoadKirkby CrossKirkby Folly RoadKirkby LaneKirkby RoadKirkland CloseKitson AvenueKnoll AvenueKnowle Green ChurchKnowle Green TerminusKnowle TopLaburnum AvenueLace MarketLady Byron LaneLake Farm RoadLakeside CourtLakes Medical CentreLake View DriveLambs Close DriveLamins LaneLammas Gardens (Stop Me02)Lammas Gardens (Stop Me09)Lancaster DriveLangar RoadLangham Park Temple NormantonLangton HollowLangton SuitesLarch FarmLarkfield RoadLathkill DriveLaunds AvenueLavender RoadLavender StreetLawn AvenueLaws Road EndLawton Drive (Stop Bu26)Lawton Drive (Stop Bu29)Leabrook GardensLeabrooks RoadLea LaneLeesbrook MillLees Post Office (Stop A)Lees Post Office (Stop B)Lee StreetLeeway RoadLeisure CentreLeonard Avenue (Stop Sh45)Leonard Avenue (Stop Sh57)Leonard Street (Stop Bu48)Leonard Street (Stop Bu51)Leopold RoadLevel Mare LaneLeverhulme ParkLeyton AvenueLibraryLightwood CloseLillybank RoadLily LanesLime GroveLime Tree RoadLinby GroveLinby LaneLindley StreetLingcrag GardensLitten TerraceLittle Lever High SchoolLlanberis Grove (Stop Ci03)Llanberis Grove (Stop Ci05)Lodge RdLomeshaye RoadLongacres WayLongdale AvenueLongdale LaneLong Hill RiseLong LaneLovell GardensLovell ParkLower Oakham WayLowmoor Business Park
Luckyslap GarageLudford Road (Stop Bu23)Lunan TerraceLynstead DriveMabel GroveMagee CloseMagnus Road (Stop Sh07)Main RoadMain StreetMainwood RoadMalsis SchoolMaltby RoadMaltravers StreetMandela CentreMandeville CloseManor RoadManor ViewManser RoadMansfield Bus Station (Bay A)Mansfield Bus Station (Bay B)Mansfield Bus Station (Bay D)Mansfield Bus Station (Bay J)Mansfield Bus Station (Bay L)Mansfield Bus Station (Bay M)Mansfield Bus Station (Bay O)Mansfield RoadMaple DriveMapplewells RoadMarket Avenue (Stop I)Market PlaceMarket Place (Stop 1)Market Place (Stop 2)Market Place (Stop 4)Market Place (Stop 5)Market (Stop L)Market (Stop N)Market (Stop Sm)Market StreetMarket Street 13Market Street JunctionMarks And SpencerMarshall StreetMarshall TerraceMarsh Co-OpMarshfield RoadMarsh LaneMarsh Liberal ClubMasefield AvenueMasons MillMason StreetMaule StreetMaws LaneMayfield AvenueMayfield StreetMeadow Bank CloseMeadow LaneMeadows Way WestMeden AvenueMeden SquareMelbourne RoadMeldrum StreetMemorial HallMendip DriveMerchant Street (Stop Bu21)Merchant Street (Stop Bu34)Middlebrook RoadMiddle StreetMidland RailwayMidland RoadMile Hill FarmMill BraeMill CloseMiller And CarterMill LaneMill RoadMilton ParkMilton StreetMiners WelfareMonk RoadMonkroyd BungalowMontreal ParadeMoor BridgeMoorbridge Cottage (Stop Bv24)Moorbridge Ponds (Stop Bv01)Moorbridge Ponds (Stop Bv25)Moorbridge RoadMoorbridge Works (Stop Bv02)MoorgreenMoor LaneMoor RoadMoorside RoadMorrisonsMorrisons Car Park (Stop Bu83)Morrisons (Stop Bu24)Morrisons (Stop Bu31)Morston Hall RoadMossdale RoadMossfield RoadMount RoadMuirnwood PlaceMunicipal HallMurray StreetMutton Hill BottomMutton Hill TopNags Head (Stop B)Nags Head (Stop C)Nags Head (Stop D)Narrow LaneNearcroft RoadNear Dorridge StationNest AvenueNewall Green Post OfficeNewark Bus Station (Bay A)Newdigate Street (Stop Ra23)New Earth StreetNew Hall FarmNew Hey Rd Celandine AveNew Hey Rd Fortis WayNew Hey Rd Moorlands RoadNew Hey Rd Mount AvenueNew Hey Rd Mulehouse LaneNew Hey Rd Pennine CrescentNew Hey Rd Springfield TerraceNew Hey Rd Stainland RoadNew Hey Rd Swan LaneNew Hey Rd Wilmar DriveNew Hey Road Ray GateNew InnNew LaneNew Lawn RoadNewman StreetNew RoadNew Road Park ViewNewstead Abbey GatesNewthorpe CommonNewton ParadeNew WestwoodNg2Nine CornersNissen MewsNoel StreetNoran AvenueNorfolk ArmsNorman AvenueNorth Balmossie StreetNorthern ViewNorth Park AvenueNorth St Albert Street (Stop N2)North StreetNorthwood AvenueNorvic DriveNottingham Railway Station (Stop S4)Nottingham Railway Station (Stop S6)Nottingham RoadNottingham StationNscdNtuNtu City Campus (Stop G1)Ntu Mansfield HubNunroyd AvenueNurseryNursery SchoolOak CottageOak DriveOak GroveOak HouseOakley TerraceOak StreetOak Tree RoadOakwell MountOakwood ClockOccupation RoadOld Fall StreetOld Hall RoadOldham Bus Station (Stand G)Oldham Mumps Interchange (Stop B)Oldham Mumps Interchange (Stop F)Old LaneOld Market SquareOld Mission HallOld StationOld StreetOld Town HallOld VicarageOld Watton RoadOpp HallOrchard AvenueOrmerod RoadOrton RoadOxclose LaneOxford StreetPaddocks ClosePalmer ClosePalmerston RoadPalmerston StreetPanmure StreetPapplewick LanePapplewick Lane EndPark AvenueParkfield StreetParkham RoadParkin StreetParklands RoadPark Lane BottomPark RoadPark ViewPark View ClosePaulina AvenuePearson RoadPease HillPeel StreetPeep O Day LanePektronPelham Road (Stop Sh41)Pelham Road (Stop Sh61)Pelham StreetPenmore LanePennine DrivePenn StreetPenson GardensPepper StreetPercival CrescentPerry Road (Stop Sh46)Perry Road (Stop Sh56)Peveril Street (Stop Ra19)Peveril Street (Stop Ra21)Phillips LanePhoenix Park Interchange (Stop Ci01)Phoenix Park Interchange (Stop Ci30)Phoenix StreetPhone BoxPingle HillPitkerro HousePit LanePlayer Street (Stop Ra27)Player Street (Stop Ra30)Pleasley RoadPlumptre RoadPolice HeadquartersPolice StationPolish CemeteryPolperro WayPond StreetPoplar DrivePortal AvenuePortland CollegePortland GrangePortland PlacePortland RoadPortwayPost OfficePotternewton LanePotter StreetPound CornerPoundswick LanePrescott StreetPrestige ParkPreston AvenuePrimary SchoolPrimrose BankPrince Of Wales Road (Stop Dl)Princess Parkway (Stop A)Princess Parkway (Stop B)Princess Parkway (Stop C)Princes StreetPriors Wood CottagesPriory AvenuePriory RoadPrologProspect StreetProvidence RoadPumping StationPurnells WayQuaker WayQuarmby Rd Haughs RoadQuarmby Rd Hawes AvenueQuarmby Rd Hunston AvenueQuarmby Road Cliff CloseQuarrydale RoadQuarry RoadQueensgate DepotQueens HeadQueens Medical CentreRackhouse RoadRadcliffe RoadRadford RoadRadmanthwaite RoadRailway CottagesRailway CrossingRailway StationRailway Station (Stop De)Ralley CloseRansom Business ParkRavenscar AvenueRavenshaw WayRaymond CloseRecreation GroundRecreation StreetRedcar RoadRedcliffe RoadRedcliffe Road (Stop Fo06)Redcliffe Road (Stop Fo31)Redcliffe StreetRedhill Lodge DriveRed House FarmRed Kite CloseRedman RoadReedley GroveReedley RoadReeve LodgeReflexReform StreetRegal CourtRegatta WayRegent StreetReginald CentreReindeer StreetReinwood Rd Hawes AvenueReinwood Rd New Hey RoadReinwood Rd Quarmby RoadReinwood Road Carr StReinwood Road Chesil BankReres HillReservoirRetail ParkRhodes HillRiber Crescent (Stop Bw18)Riber Crescent (Stop Bw21)Richmond CloseRicket LaneRiddings HouseRiddings WoodRigley Drive (Stop Bw04)Rigley Drive (Stop Bw30)Ringers LaneRing Road BeestonRing Road (Stop Sh54)Ritchie AvenueRiverbankRobin Hood DriveRock FarmRockwood CrescentRoman CrescentRoper Avenue ShopsRoscow AvenueRoseberry StreetRosedale LaneRotherham RoadRoughs Wood LaneRoundhay Road TescoRowden RoadRoyal CentreRoyal Oak DriveRuffs DriveRushcliffe Rise (Stop Sh10)Rutland CottageRutland RoadRyehill Street (Stop Me04)Ryehill Street (Stop Me07)Ryknield RoadSainsbury'SSainsburys LocalSale CircleSalendine CentreSalendine Nook SchoolsSalmond RoadSalop StreetSalterford RoadSalterhebble JunctionSandhill RoadSandy Bank RdSandy LaneSavick AvenueSaxelby CloseScholes StreetSchoolSchool CloseSchool Playing FieldSchool RoadSeagate (Stop 2)Seagrave AvenueSearwood AvenueSeaview SchoolSecond AvenueSelden HouseSeldon StreetSellers Wood Drive (Stop Bu45)Sellers Wood Drive (Stop Bu53)Selston ChurchSelston Road
Service StationShady LaneShaftesbury AvenueShaftsbury AvenueSheepscar JunctionSheepwash LaneSherborne RoadSherwood Shops (Stop Sh06)Sherwood Shops (Stop Sh13)Sherwood Shops (Stop Sh94)Sherwood WayShevington GardensShipley WoodShipstone StreetShire AutosShopping PrecinctShopwyke HallSibcy LaneSiddalls DriveSikh TempleSilk StreetSilverdale HouseSilverhill LaneSkegby RoadSlaidburn AvenueSlip RoadSmeath RoadSmiddySmiths AvenueSmith StreetSolihull SchoolSolihull Town Centre (Stop Se)Southampton RoadSouth Baffin StreetSouth Balmossie StreetSouthbank BSouthbank DSouthbank ESouth Kingennie Road EndSouth LodgeSouth StreetSouth Street (Stop E)Southwell GardensSpire HospitalSports GroundSportsman DriveSpringfield RoadSpring HallSpring RoadSpring RowSprings CentreSpring TerraceSpringwood Hall RoadSpriteshall LaneSquires Avenue (Stop Bu22)Squires Avenue (Stop Bu33)Stafford RoadStainbeck LaneStainland Rd Bradley LaneStainland Rd Chapel StreetStainland Rd Cross FieldStainland Rd Dean StreetStainland Rd Drury LaneStainland Rd Fall Spring GardensStainland Rd Long HeysStainland Rd New Hey RoadStainland Rd Queen StreetStainland Rd Shaw LaneStainland Rd Station RoadStainland Road Health CentreStainland Road Holywell Green SchoolStainland Road Station RdStainland Road (Stop J)Stainland Road The HameStainland Road West ViewStaley DriveStamford Street (Stop D)Stamper CrescentSt Andrews ChurchSt Andrews CloseSt Andrew'S CloseSt Andrews StreetStanley StreetStanroyd BungalowStanton CrescentStanworth AvenueStaple LaneStarnhill WayStation RoadStation StreetSt Damian'S Rc Science College (Stop A)Stella StreetSt Georges ChurchSt Helens HouseSt James ChurchSt Johns ChurchSt Johns CloseSt Leonards Drive BridgeSt Martins GreenSt Martins RoadSt Marys ChurchSt Marys WaySt Mary'S WaySt Mary'S Way (Stop Yc)St Michaels ChurchSt Michaels RoadStockley LaneStoneyford RoadStoney LaneStoney StreetStonham BarnsStoresSt Patricks RoadSt Pauls ChurchSt Peters CentreSt Philip Neris ChurchStrattonhall DriftSt. Regulus RoadSt Richards Hospital EntranceSt Richard'S Hospital EntranceStrips Of CraigieSt Stephens CloseSt Stephens SquareSt Stephens Street (Stop Bt)St Theresa ChurchSt Thomas ChurchStuart StreetSugarhouse WyndSunningdale Avenue MiddleSurepakSutton Bus Station (Bay A)Sutton Bus Station (Bay D)Sutton Bus Station (Bay E)Sutton Bus Station (Bay F)Sutton CloseSutton Lane EndSutton Parkway Rail StationSwaffham RoadSweet StreetTants MeadowTanyard Rd Norcross AvenueTanyard Rd Oakes Road SouthTanyard RoadTanyard Road Wheatfield AvenueTaupo DriveTavistock Drive (Stop Sh02)Tavistock Drive (Stop Sh18)TaycourtTaylor'S LaneTeesdale Road (Stop Sh44)Teesdale Road (Stop Sh58)Temple DriveTen BellsTescoThe Angel PhThe BarlowThe BirchesThe Bird In HandThe CellarhouseThe ChaseThe Chauncy SchoolThe CopseThe CrescentThe Dalesway PhThe DriftThe FairlandThe FieldThe FirsThe ForestThe GateThe GrangeThe GreenThe HamletThe HawthornsThe Holly TreeThe IslandThe IviesThe Link CentreThe MallardThe MaltingsThe MaltstersThe National SchoolThe NuthallThe Old SawmillThe OvalThe PaddocksThe PrairieThe RailwayThe Red RoseThe Shay StadiumThe SnipeThe Sofa Delivery CoThe SpinneyThe Spinning MillThe SquareThe StreetThe ValeThe WharfThe Whitemoor (Stop Wm16)The Whitemoor (Stop Wm19)The WoodwardsThe ZoneThieves Wood LaneThirlmere GardensThoresby RoadThoresby StreetThornbank TerraceThorne StreetThornhill DriveThornhill RoadThorn LaneThree MarinersTicara BankTicknallhill FarmTimber YardTimperley ChurchTitchfield StreetTithby RoadTiverton CloseToby InnTollToll BarTollgate FarmTollhouse Hill (Stop Y7)Tomlinsons CottagesTommy Wass JunctionToothill LaneTop Valley Way (Stop Bw01)Top Valley Way (Stop Bw05)Toton LaneTown Close RoadTown HallTram Park & RideTravebank GardensTrentbarton GarageTrent BoulevardTrent DriveTrevelyan RoadTurton High SchoolTurton TowerTwin Oaks DriveTwirl Hill RoadTye LaneUnion StreetUniversity BoulevardUniversity Drive (Stop A)University Drive (Stop C)University EntranceUniversity Of NottinghamUnwin RoadUpper Marehay RoadUpper Parliament Street (Stop U1)Upper Parliament Street (Stop U5)Utley CemeteryVale StreetValley CrescentValley GardensValley Road (Stop Sh47)Valley Road (Stop Sh55)Vedonis ParkVentura Drive (Stop Bu25)Ventura Drive (Stop Bu30)Vernon AvenueVernon CrescentVernon RoadVictoria Bus Station (Bay 4)Victoria Bus Station (Bay 8)Victoria Bus Station (Bay 9)Victoria Bus Station (Bay Vb75)Victoria Embankment (Stop Me05)Victoria Embankment (Stop Me06)Victoria GardensVictoria KVictoria NVictoria RoadVictoria StreetVictory RoadVillage HallVillage ShopVillage StoreVillage WayVilla RoadVincent CloseVine TerraceWagstaff LaneWaincliffe DriveWalk Mill DriveWallace StreetWalton LaneWalton StreetWard AvenueWards ViewWare Railway Station (Stop E)War MemorialWarmley RoadWarner StreetWarsop LaneWarwick CourtWashington DriveWatergardenWaterloo RoadWaterloo StreetWater MeadowsWatersplace FarmWaterstones (Stop 2)WaterworksWatson AvenueWatton RoadWavelengthsWayland AvenueWayland High SchoolWellbank ForgeWellington MewsWengeo LaneWentworth CourtWentworth RoadWestbourne RoadWestdale RoadWest EndWester Hill RoadWestern AvenueWestern Boulevard (Stop Wm11)Western Boulevard (Stop Wm15)Western RoadWesthampnett RoadWesthouse RoadWest Notts CollegeWest StreetWest ValeWest Vale Sports GrdWest Vale Sports GroundWest View CourtWharf LaneWharf RoadWheatley AvenueWhinny BraeWhitburn RoadWhitebank CloseWhitehall Street (Stop 3)White Horse PhWhite Rose Centre DWhitewalls DriveWhyburn LaneWidburyhill FarmWidcombe DriveWidney RdWighay RoadWilcox DriveWildbrook CrescentWilde CrescentWilhallow LaneWilkinson StreetWilley LaneWillowbridge LaneWilsons ArmsWimsey WayWinchester Street (Stop Sh14)Winchilsea AvenueWindmill Avenue North EndWindmill Avenue South EndWindmill RiseWindy Harbour LaneWinsick ParkWoburn RoadWollaton Street (Stop Y5)Wolverton RoadWoodborough Road (Stop Fo01)Woodborough Road (Stop Fo10)Woodborough Road (Stop Fo11)Wood Burial ParkWoodland DriveWoodlands Nursing HomeWood LaneWood Nook CloseWoodside HouseWood StreetWoodthorpe DriveWoodthorpe Drive (Stop Sh08)Woollaton StreetWrekin AvenueWscc DepotWythenshawe InterchangeWythenshawe Park Metrolink (Stop A)Wythenshawe Park Metrolink (Stop D)Wythenshawe Park Metrolink (Stop E)Wythenshawe Town CentreYewbank AvenueYew Tree LaneYew Tree RoadYoung Vanish
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